19.04.2019 - 21.04.2019
Hallo, liebe Showdown-Community,
dieser Tage erreichte uns eine Einladung zu einem Turnier in Antwerpen (Belgien). Dieses Turnier findet
am 20. April 2019
in Antwerpen statt.
Anreise: 19. April 2019
Abreise: 21. April 2019
Der Veranstalter würde sich sehr über die Teilnahme einer Mannschaft aus Deutschland bestehend aus
maximal 5 SpielerInnen sowie
maximal 3 Begleitpersonen
Sollte eine/r unserer Referees Lust und Zeit haben, an diesem Turnier als Schiri teilzunehmen, wäre auch sie/er herzlich willkommen (Kost und Logie wären frei!).
Die Teilnehmergebühr beträgt
100 Euro sowie
80 Euro für Begleitpersonen.
Folgende Leistungen sind in dieser Teilnehmergebühr enthalten:
- 2 Übernachtungen in einem Jugendhotel in Antwerpen
- Frühstück und Abendessen sowie 1 Lunchpaket während des Turniers
- Shuttle vom bzw. zum Hauptbahnhof
- Shuttle zum bzw. vom Spielort
Wer an diesem Turnier gern teilnehmen möchte, meldet sich bitte bis spätestens
Mittwoch, den 12. Dezember 2018
Wir freuen uns auf eure Anmeldungen!
Text der Original-Einladung:
Invitation International Showdown Tournament Vige Antwerpen 19-21 april 2019.
Dear sportsfriends,
Since 2013, Vige Antwerpen, sports club for blind and partially sighted, has extended its sports offer with showdown, moreover with success! In five years our club has become one of the most important clubs in Belgium offering training facilities, organization of internal and interclub competitions. Since September 2018 in Belgium a first national competition is a fact.
On the occasion of its 55th anniversary we have the great pleasure to invite you at our first International Showdtounament. The event takes place on Saturday, April 20th 2019. We invite you with a team of five players and maximum three escorts.
Arrival is sceduled on Friday, April 19th. The tournament take place on Saturday, April 20th, during the whole day. All participants will depart on Sunday, April 21th, after breakfast.
What do we offer you during the weekend?
- Two nights in the new youth hotel in Antwerpen, on 19 and 20 April
- Meals from Friday evening till breakfast Sunday morning
- Dinner on Friday in the youth hotel
- Breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning in the youth hotel
- Lunch package during the tournament
- Dinner and party on Saturday evening
- Drinks in the youth hotel and during the tournament are not included, exepted drinks (with tickets) included in the lunch package.
- Shuttle
- Friday from Central trainstation to the youth hotel
- Saturday from the youth hotel to the tournament venue and back
- Sunday from the youth hotel to the trainstation
The participation fee per participant is 100 euro, 80 euro for escorts.
In case your team can provide a referee, he/she will be hosted free during the whole weekend.
For organization reasons we’d like ask to confirm you participation before December 15th. If, for any reason, your team cannot participate, we would like to receive a message.
Once you confirm your participation we invite you to pay the corresponding fee at account number IBAN BE44 8002 0445 3345 – BIC AXABBE22 mentionning “190420 – naam team, number of participants/escorts”. The names of the participants you can send in separate mail.
For all supplementary information, don’t hesitate to contact us through the e-mail harry.geyskens@icloud.com.
We are looking forward to meet you in Antwerpen
The organization team, Vige Antwerpen