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8th Pajulahti Games

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19.01.2018 - 21.01.2018


Uns hat eine offizielle Einladung zu den Pajulahti-Games 2018 in Nastola erreicht. Diese findet Ihr weiter unten.

Wenn Ihr dort hinfahren möchtet, meldet Euch bitte bis zum 26.10.2017 via Online-Formular unter http://www.showdown-germany.de/anmeldung-pg2018/ an.

Dear Sports Friends,

Finnish Sports Association of Persons with Disabilities is very pleased to invite you to the eight Pajulahti Games that will take place in Nastola, Finland, from the 19th of January to the 21st of January 2018.
There will be six events and the possibility to train before the games.

Date                      19th – 21st of January, 2018


Goalball – men – women, international tournament
Judo – men – women, national and international competition, ID and all other special needs
Sitting volleyball – women, international tournament
Showdown – international tournament
Powerlifting – open national championships
Indoor Athletics – open national championship

Training camp

On 17th – 19th of January, 2018. We will offer you the possibility to train before the competition from Wednesday to Friday. On the training camp there will be playing venues using free of charge in every sport.

Competition venue                   Sports Institute Pajulahti, Nastola (www.pajulahti.com)

Accommodation                         Sports Institute Pajulahti, Nastola
All accommodation is in two or three person rooms, and is situated in nearby, only 2 – 3 minutes from the competition venues.

Entry fees

440 euros /person from 17th to 22nd of January, 2018
390 euros/person from 18th to 22rd of January, 2018
350 euros /person from 19th to 22rd of January, 2018
350euros/person from 18th to 21st of January, 2018
325 euros/person from 19th to 21st of January, 2018

Single room 25 euros/person/night addition to the entry fee (max 1 single room/team).

Entry fee includes:
– transportation from and to the airport Helsinki-Vantaa
– accommodation with full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
– competition fees in sports: indoor athletics, judo, powerlifting and showdown
– training camp